Ditemukan Ular Terbesar Di dunia

Photograph purporting to show a 55ft snake found in a forest in Malasia has become an internet sensation.
serpiente gigante
The thread claimed the snake was one of two enormous boas found by workers clearing forest for a new road. They apparently woke up the sleeping snakes during attempts to bulldoze a huge mound of earth.
“On the third dig, the operator found there was blood amongst the soil, and with a further dig, a dying snake appeared,” said the post.
“By the time the workers came back, the wounded boa had died, while the other snake had disappeared. The bulldozer operator was so sick that he couldn’t even stand up.”
The post claimed that the digger driver was so traumatised that he suffered a heart attack on his way to hospital and later died.
The dead snake was 55ft (16.7m) long, weighed 300kg and was estimated to be 140 years old, according to the post.
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Video | Hahaha…Pria Ini Tidak Sadar Terekam Sedang Meraba/Meremas Payudara/Buah Dada Pacarnya Saat Nonton Bola

Hahahaha…mungkin pria ini lagi nafsu saat sedang nonton bola dengan teman wanitanya…dan terjadilah adegan tangan sang pria meraba-raba dan meremas payudara /buah dada [klik] pasangannya yang cantik dan tampaknya sang wanita juga begitu menikmati 
READ MORE » Video | Hahaha…Pria Ini Tidak Sadar Terekam Sedang Meraba/Meremas Payudara/Buah Dada Pacarnya Saat Nonton Bola

Benarkah Wanita Suka Ukuran Penis Yang Besar

Memiliki Penis atau Mr. Happy berukuran kecil jadi ketakutan terbesar pria. Mereka khawatir tak dapat membahagiakan pasangannya.

Tapi benarkah wanita suka yang besar?
Pria memang sangat terobsesi dengan ukuran penis mereka. Beberapa pria merasa penis mereka lebih kecil dari pria pada umumnya. Pria dengan panjang penis 10 cm, merasa mereka tidak akan bisa memuaskan pasangannya. Padahal kenyataannya, panjang rata-rata penis adalah 10-15 cm.

Lantas apakah panjang penis itu penting untuk wanita? Penelitian yang dilakukan di Inggris pernah mengungkapkan 85% wanita sebenarnya puas dengan ukuran penis pasangannya.

Untuk mengulas lebih jauh, dua wanita yang dikenal sebagai pakar seks, membeberkan faktanya untuk Anda. Dua wanita itu adalah Nicole Beland, Mens Health Girl Next Door yang sudah menulis banyak buku salah satunya berjudul ‘Sex: The Whole Picture: The Ultimate How-To for Lovers‘ dan Debby Herbenick, Ph.D, pakar seks terkenal asal Amerika dan juga Associate Director Center for Sexual Health Promotion di Indiana University.
Apa kata mereka soal penis pria?Ya wanita peduli ukuran penis pria. Tapi kalau bicara kepuasaan seksual, penis jauh dari daftar prioritas kami,” ujar Nicole, seperti dikutip Mens Health.

Nicole juga mengatakan tidak semua wanita suka penis pria yang besar. Malah ukuran penis yang terlalu besar bisa membuat wanita tidak mencapai orgasmenya.

Wanita sering kesulitan untuk orgasme. Dan oral seks atau stimulasi dengan tangan justru lebih efektif untuk mereka (mencapai orgasme), sama seperti vibrator,” jelar Debby Herbenick.
Pakar seksolog yang menulis buku ‘She Comes First’, Ian Kerner, Ph.D. mengatakan, daripada memikirkan ukuran penis, para pria seharusnya lebih khawatir bagaimana bisa membuat pasangannya puas. “Biasanya wanita yang mengeluh soal penis kecil, itu karena mereka tidak mendapatkan orgasmenya. Kalau mereka orgasme, hanya itu yang penting, tidak peduli berapapun ukuran penisnya,” tutur Ian.

Untuk para pria yang merasa penisnya kecil atau sebenarnya ukurannya normal tapi terlalu paranoid, Ian menyarankan beberapa gaya bercinta. Cobalah memberikan tekanan bukan menusuk saat bercinta dengan posisi misionaris. Posisi bercinta woman on top juga bisa membuat wanita mencapai orgasmenya.

Sementara Nicole, menyarankan posisi ini: taruh kaki wanita di dada pria saat melakukan posisi misionaris, lalu lakukan penetrasi dari samping. Kalau wanita berada di atas, taruh bantal di bawah bokongnya agar area pelvic lebih terangkat.
READ MORE » Benarkah Wanita Suka Ukuran Penis Yang Besar

Foto | Inilah Model dan Artis Iran “Golshifteh Farahani” Yang Berpose Bugil di Majalah Perancis

Sial betul nasib Golshifteh Farahani. Model sekaligus aktris asal Iran ini dilarang kembali ke negara karena melakukan foto telanjang [klik]. Pejabat pemerintahan setempat telah menyampaikan kepada Farahani kalau tak ada tempat lagi untuk artis kelahiran 10 Juli 1983 itu. Farahani berpose bugil [klik] untuk majalah Perancis.
Foto Bugil "Golshifteh Frahani"
Artis Iran "Golshifteh Farahani"
Sejak setahun lalu, dia memang menetap di Perancis. Tapi sekarang, Farahani tak bisa kembali ke negaranya sendiri yang menerapkan syariat Islam.
“Aku diberitahu oleh Departemen Kebudayaan dan Panduan Islam kalau Iran tidak membutuhkan aktor atau artis. Lebih baik Anda mencari tempat lain saja,” kata Farahani seperti dikutip Contactmusic, Kamis (19/1/2012)
Artis Cantik Iran "Golshifteh Farahani" Foto Bugil
READ MORE » Foto | Inilah Model dan Artis Iran “Golshifteh Farahani” Yang Berpose Bugil di Majalah Perancis

Foto | Inilah 10 Merk Mobil Termewah di Awal Tahun 2012 Versi World Luxury Association

Organisasi penelitian non-profit World Luxury Association (WLA) merilis 100 merek dagang paling mewah di awal tahun 2012. Dalam daftar tersebut dibagi menjadi beberapa kategori, salah satunya adalah merek mobil termewah di dunia.
Dilansir Carscoop, Jumat 20 Januari 2012, Rolls-Royce berada di posisi pertama dalam daftar 10 merek mobil termewah di dunia. Adapun untuk posisi kedua dan ketiga ditempati oleh Bentley dan Ferrari.
Posisi selanjutnya ditempati oleh Lamborghini dan Maserati. Sedangkan Aston Martin dan Bugatti harus puas di posisi keenam dan ketujuh. Kemudian di tempat kedelapan dan sembilan diisi oleh Spyker dan Pagani. Dan di posisi terakhir berhasil diraih oleh Koenigsegg.

Yang membuat sedikit kejutan adalah terpentalnya produsen mobil mewah asal Amerika Serikat, Maybach, dalam daftar tersebut.

Menurut laporan World Luxury Association (WLA), China akan menjadi konsumen terbesar di dunia untuk barang mewah. “Dengan fenomena krisis ekonomi di Eropa, dan semakin tinggi Warga China yang berpergian ke Eropa. Diperkirakan tahun ini total konsumsi barang mewah warga China bisa mencapai 59 miliar Euro,” demikan bunyi laporan tersebut.
Selain merilis merek dagang mewah dalam bidang otomotif. WLA juga mengungkapkan merek dagang termewah dikategori lainnya, seperti pesawat terbang, kapal pesiar, perhiasan, jam tangan, fashion, bahkan minuman beralkohol.
Berikut daftar lengkapnya:
1. Rolls-Royce

2. Bentley
3. Ferrari

4. Lamborghini

5. Maserati

6. Aston Martin

7. Bugatti

8. Spyker

9. Pagani

10. Koenigsegg

READ MORE » Foto | Inilah 10 Merk Mobil Termewah di Awal Tahun 2012 Versi World Luxury Association

[Foto] Ternyata Ada Juga Gaun Pengantin Model G-String

GAUN pengantin kini semakin inovatif. Tidak hanya menjuntai dengan kain panjang yang penuh keanggunan, tapi juga penuh keseksian lewat bentuk mini layaknya di pantai. Adalah model gaun pengantin G-string yang menjadi inovasi terbaru bagi para pengantin yang ingin tampil beda dari kebanyakan. Gaun sensasional tersebut dipamerkan oleh brand Kaviar Gauche pada ajang Berlin Fashion Week, seperti dirilis Dailymail.
Penciptaan gaun ini menjadi sebuah pilihan bagi mereka yang ingin menggelar penikahan sakral di pantai atau menggelar resepsi pernikahan secara private.
Secara tampilan, pihak desainer membuat busana tersebut mirip bra dengan model halter neck. Secara keseluruhan, tampilan gaun wedding ini mirip dengan bikini thong. Sebagai penghubung dari atas ke bawah, sang desainer asal Jerman yang membuatnya yakni Alexandra Fischer-Röhler dan Johanna Kuhl menyematkannya dengan tali berbentuk panah hingga ke bagian depan Miss V.
Menyoal warna, pilihan gaun pengantin tersebut tetap berwarna putih. Bahkan, veil yang menjadi pemanis di rambut pun tak lupa disematkan layaknya busana pengantin panjang. Bedanya, seluruh tubuhnya tertutup dengan veil transparan tersebut.SUMBER
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iPad 3 diluncurkan maret 2012

The rumors are springing up for Apple’s iPad 3 that is supposed to arrive in March this year. Some are saying that may be, in the next two weeks, iPad3 will be hitting the shelves.
If we compare it to Apple’s earlier, releases it would perfectly fit as first iPad model came in April 2012 and iPad 2 arrived in the last week of March.
Bloomberg Report
According to the report of Bloomberg, “Apple iPad3 will be incorporating the HD screen, and the small pixels will give the image a printed material look.” A quad-core chip will increase efficiency and speed with 4G LTE support.
Report also stated that LTE is brought for the Apple iPad gadget before the iPhone as latest power technology and a bigger battery support the tablet. Bloomberg obtained this report from the three different sources related with the product.
Update for Production
The report has also revealed that Apple has already started the production of these gadgets at the Asian partners manufacturing units, as Foxconn in china is running the whole 24 hours a day.
The iPad launched earlier has been a massive hit generating more than $25 billion as sales revenue. Many companies tried to come up to the level of iPad but failed; however, Cupertino is hoping that the device will become the favorite choice of consumers.
Rumors are also saying that may be iPad 3 will not be good enough to reach the target, as iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S failed to do so. The time is the only answer for all these rumors.
READ MORE » iPad 3 diluncurkan maret 2012

Hari Istimewa yang dirayakan diseluruh dunia

Through the whole world and all the religions out there, there is at least one holiday that is very and widely celebrated. Some are religious, some are secular… The holiday everyone celebrates (but maybe not at the same time) is The New Year’s Eve, of course. Depending on the time zone, it comes to each country within a day, except for China, where it depends on the moon and comes in February. Other two, also big holidays are Christmas in the Christian world and Ramadan in the Muslim religion. Of course, there are much more holidays, so let’s take a close look to each and every one of them.

8. April 1st, Fools Day

Well, I guess there is no need for explaining this holiday so much, because there can’t be one who doesn’t know about it, whether he/she liked it or not. This is a day when every kind of joke is allowed, and you can be forgiven even for not so pleasant ones. All in all, this is one very happy holiday! There is no certain historic information about origins of this holiday, but there are several theories. One is that some European people, when new calendar replaced the old one, refused to celebrate the beginning of the New Year on January 1st, but did it on April 1st, so other people made fun of them. There is another theory that emperor Constantine allowed one man to be a king for a day on 1st of April, and that man decided that day to be devoted to fun and laugh. So, don’t remember to make as much jokes as you can on that day, to have a good laugh, and of course trust no one – that’s how you’ll spend it hilariously!
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

7. Valentine’s Day

This is a holiday everyone knows and celebrates, but not many know its origins. St Valentine was a  person, one of the theories is that he was martyred because he didn’t want to give up Christianity, so he was murdered on February 14th. This holiday was celebrated even in ancient Rome, this day was devoted to Juno, the Goddess of marriage. Today on this day every couple exchanges gifts, flowers, spends more time together. Well, this is something all couples should do every day, not to have just one day to devote to their relationship and partner. But, nevermind. There were various traditions all around the world about Valentine’s Day, some are still alive. For example, centuries ago it was believed that if woman sees a sparrow flying over her head she will marry soon and be very happy, but she’ll not have much money. There were many others, let’s call them superstitions, maybe some of them survived to nowadays. Feel free to tell us about some interesting tradition you follow or you’ve heard about.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

6. Passover

This holiday is also called Pesach in Hebrew and it is a most important and mostly celebrated Jewish holiday. knowing that there are Jews all around the globe, we can imagine how many places where it is celebrated there are. Depending on the calendar and a country it is celebrated for seven or eight days (seven days in Israel only). It is meant to remind all Hebrews about the time when their ancestors were released from slavery in Egypt – Exodus story (from the Bible). So, practically, it is celebration of liberty. This story is being told on the first and the second evening during the dinner that comes after the Passover Seder – service. Things on the plate during the dinner are called Symbols of the Seder Plate. There are seven of them – vegetables (they are put in salty water before eating that represents tears of their slave-ancestors), lamb’s shank bone (reminds of plague that killed all the first-borns in Egypt, and the lamb’s blood was a sign that death should just pass by that door), boiled egg (as a symbol of fertility), Charoset or Haroset (a mixture of apples, wine and nuts that Hebrews used when building structures in Egypt), bitter herbs (that remind the bitterness of the slavery) and the last one that was added long after these ones and it’s optional – orange (as a symbol of marginalized groups in their society – women and homosexuals). And as any other religious holiday, this one also has a certain diet that is called Kosher. The negative food list contains barley, oats, corn, legumes…
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

5. Buddha Day

This is the widest celebrated Buddhist holiday. It celebrates three things in one day – birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Other and more common name for this holiday is Vesak – it’s the name of the month when it is celebrated in the Indian calendar. It can be celebrated in the last full moon in May, with a little exception for the leap years, when the celebration is moved to June. All the Buddhists all over the Asia spend this day in temples completing their religious duties. There are four of them – Tum Boon (going to temples for Dharma preaching), Rub Sill (abstaining from all the immoral actions), Tuk Bard (giving the food to monks and meditation practice) and the most important is Vien Tien (in the evening all the people organize a candle-lit process, every person must hold flowers and candles on his/her way to the temple). They say that in such way they make a path for Buddha and all his followers to their home – a temple.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

4. Ramadan

This is the biggest Islamic holiday and it lasts for a month!!! And there is more, they’re fasting for the whole month, to learn how to self-restraint, as the Qur’an commands. They are not allowed to eat and drink during the whole day, they may have a meal after the sunset and before sunrise. In Ramadan (as to say the ninth month of Islamic calendar) the fasting is not the only thing that purifies the body and the soul. Besides restriction of eating and drinking during the whole day for all over the age of 12, there are also restrictions for every part of the body. For example, the mouths’ restriction is to abstain from gossips and talking in vain. The fasting extends to the upper level, it requires re-evaluation of personal beliefs and deeds, and according to that – asking for forgiveness. Above all, this, being the month when Allah revealed the Qur’an to his prophet Muhammad, this is a month of worshiping their God. So, every evening during the whole month one thirtieth of the Qur’an is being read, so they finish it in complete. It may seem very hard, even impossible to live like this for a month, but because all the Muslims are doing the same, they give each other support, and beside that, it is said that God will reward good deeds done in this period, more that ones done in any other time. So, they all have a strong will for fasting and praying, and above all re-examine their faith. Furthermore, they pray five times a day, and go to mosque, but that’s what they do anyway. In the end of the fasting, they through a party named ‘Iftar’, but after Ramadan, they still do their best to continue with the good deeds.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

3. Easter

The simplest description of this holiday is celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but it’s even more than that. One specific thing about this holiday is that it must always be on Sunday. And it is the first Sunday of the full moon after the spring equinox. The Easter tradition doesn’t represent only one day, the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion when He resurrected from the dead, but it also includes 40 days before it, that are devoted to fasting, as a symbol of repentance and more self-discipline. For Christians, this is one of the biggest holidays (beside Christmas), because due to their doctrine, Jesus died on the cross and resurrected, to pay the penalty for our sins, all out of love, being the Son of God, thus giving an eternal life to all who believe. More about this can be found in all of the Gospels in the NewTestimony. Though Easter, in certain way, can be very sad holiday, it is very happy at the same time, because Jesus was crucified (which might be sad) but after that he resurrected and saved us all (that is the happy part), so He defeated death. There are lots of ways of celebrating it, but the most common includes dying eggs and kicking one against the other to see which one is tougher. The first painted egg must be red and it is preserved until the next Easter as a house-keeping egg. This holiday reminds us to forgive and ask for forgiveness for all our sins, not just from God, but from the people too, so that metaphorically our mind and spirit are reborn after a purification of the soul. That’s a good message for all the people, not just the Christians, to forgive and ask for forgiveness, they’ll feel much better after that.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

2. Christmas

This is the widest celebrated holiday in the Christian world in all the continents. It is the day when Jesus was born, so it is celebrated as a very happy holiday, because according to Christianism, Jesus came to save people’s souls from hell and help them repent and gain the redemption of the soul. Depending on the calendar (the Gregorian and the Julian ones) it is celebrated on the 25th of December in catholic countries and on the 7th of January in Orthodox countries. The two calendars differ in 13 days, so it explains the difference in dates, but no matter which calendar you follow, it is told that New Year cannot come before Jesus was born (Christmas always comes first), so there is the Orthodox New Year celebrated on January 13th. The first year in historical documents that shows a celebration of this holiday is 354 AD. It is considered that some elements of this festivity have their origins way back in pagan religion (for example the burning of a yule log), because some pagan people were converted to Christians. The tradition was slightly change during the Dark (Middle) Ages, when it was in the shadow of the Epiphany, but after that it was the public festival again. After that up to even nowadays there have been (and I guess it will be more) lots of discussions about Christmas, it origin, the way it was celebrated… We’ll only pay attention to some most popular traditions considering Christmas, because discussions can be endless. The actual birth of Jesus is described in several Gospels (according to Luke and Mathew for example) and in the celebration of Christmas people try to imitate those circumstances – meaning place decoration, actions, etc. The inevitable part of the celebration is certainly a Christmas Tree, that can be really lovely decorated, and in some countries the Santa Claus. There are also certain songs, called Christmas Carols to be sung that day, mostly by children. Some of those songs were originally national, folk songs that took religious form. Other important thing was/is food. Dishes vary from country to country but the common thing between them is that they must be eaten in family surrounding. All in all, a very happy and ff (friends and family) holiday.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe

1. New Years Eve

New Year is definitely the oldest celebrated holiday, though it wasn’t always beginning on the 1st of January. Believe or not, the celebration of the New Year began with people from Babylon, 4000 years ago! They celebrated it during the so called New Moon, which was the night of the first fool moon after the Vernal Equinox (the first day of spring). When you think about it you’ll realize that it was rather logic to celebrate it then, with the spring being the season when everything in the nature wakes up, when the seeds are planted, everything is blossoming, etc. In Babylon, the New Year was celebrated for 11 days and modern celebrations are nothing special comparing to theirs. After the Babylonians, the Romans continued to celebrate New Year in march or a while, but due to changing calendar, for various emperors, it was no longer adjusted to the Sun. But, in the year 46 B.C. Julius Caesar established Julian Calendar (to set all the previous calendars right) that declared January 1st as the beginning of the New Year. The ones who continued celebrating it in march were proclaimed as pagans by the Church. During the Middle Ages, church was still against celebrating the New Year on January 1st – it is has been celebrated on that day only for past 400 years. The widest tradition related to the New Year also comes from the Babylonians – the were saying that when the New Year starts, they will return all they had borrowed. One of the very old traditions was using a baby in the basket in the parade to mark a start of another year, that dates back 600 years B.C. It celebrated the rebirth of Dionis, their god of wine, and when the Christianism spread, the baby represented little Jesus. And as a part of so long tradition, it was believed that one can do something to affect its luck in the next year by doing and eating certain things. That is why it is celebrated among friends and family, the people that make you happy, and it is also believed that eating something in the ring shape brought good luck. So, having the holiday close enough, try some of these or give us your lucky advice.
The Most Celebrated Holidays Around the Globe
READ MORE » Hari Istimewa yang dirayakan diseluruh dunia

foto aneh banget In | Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities

Are you familiar with a feeling – you’re doing something totally irrelevant for the situation and at the same time you are missing something more important? I guess we all are, but if there are some who are not, ask these people, they’re specialists.
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
In Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities
READ MORE » foto aneh banget In | Life, It Is Always a Question of Priorities

Inilah Hewan-hewan Penghisap Darah

1. Bat

When we think about vampires, we often connect bats with them, because of their night-life, soundless wings, teeth… But, only one out of 1200 species is a blood sucker. The one that is called Desmodontidae. This bat finds victims, other smaller mammals, by their breathing. This bat is capable of coming on ground, chasing the target, and following it for its blood warmth, find the right spot and finally bite! During the hunting season, Desmodontidae doubles its own weight. Then it is strong enough to carry a rabbit! There is a widespread and unique specimen that attacks humans, it is called Desmodus Rotundus. Though this sounds a little scary, don’t worry, this bat does it only when there is nothing else left to eat. Mostly, they feed on cattle. But, don’t despair if get bitten by this kind of bat, there is a bright side of the story. Scientists say that these bats secrete chemical that makes blood more liquid, that improves its flowing, what is especially good for people who survived a stroke.

2. Sea Lamprey

A fish called Petromyzon or a Sea lamprey is a vertebrate without jaws, with poorly developed branchiae and lives nearby drinking water. Thus it is safe of attack from the surrounding but it’s not harmless at all. Like salmon, the Sea lamprey starts a journey upstream for mating, and with (her) little ones it comes back to the sea. But, while salmons go back to the open ocean, eating smaller fishes and invertebrates, grown-ups sea lampreys stick their mouth to fish or whale skin and suck their blood. They do it with its coarse tongue and sharp teeth. Scientists make fun of them and say that it is a true paradise for Sea lampreys when they stick on a whale that has liters of blood and no place to smash them against or to get rid of them.

3. Mosquito

Asian tiger mosquito, or Stegomyia albopicta in Latin, is just one out of the hundreds of species who feed on blood. If it is any consolation, this mosquito does it for the offspring. Female mosquito needs proteins to create eggs. Well, ok, it is not a comfort for those who suffered from bite of these arthropods, their anticoagulants and itchy spots. But this mosquito is not lethal in comparison with the one that transfers Malaria. A common mosquito – Anopheles maculipennis that bites millions of people is completely harmless. Even more, it is braver than its two relatives , because it is feeding freely during daylight.

4. Bedbug

Along with mosquitoes, bedbugs from Heteriptera family are small flying insects people shy away from. They can be found in almost every house around the world. Their boy is flat and brown-redish. They are hiding during the day, but by night they go out looking for food. And by food I mean blood. Cimex lectularius is a house or bed bug that feeds on human blood. They are invisible for the naked eye, but they leave red, itchy spot on the skin behind them. A special substance in their saliva prevents victim’s blood from coagulation while they’re sucking it. But, scientists say that it’s our own fault for their overrun. Once they’re out of their living caves (it is supposed that they originally lived in caves, feeding on bat’s blood) they are surrounded by seven billion red rivers that flow through bodies of seven billion people on the world. Having this around, bedbug never comes back into the cave. And truth to be told it is hard to make it go away once it locates.
Bloodsuckers Are Among Us

5. Moth

Nature scientists from Florida University claim that 3000 moths of Tineida family are bloodsuckers. These moths once were herbivores, but suddenly they started eating human blood. We often speak about various mutations, but this is something different. A bloodsucker is created from a pest , that lives by night and sleeps by day. Scientists are afraid that this may be only a beginning, one can never know if some other specie turn to sucking people’s blood.
Bloodsuckers Are Among Us

6. Finch

Famous naturalist Charles Darwin witnessed many strange happenings on Galapagos. He saw iguanas diving in salt water, tame hawks… Of course, he saw lots of finches, but he missed something significant – the dark side of this bird called Geospiza difficilis septentrionalis, a subgroup of finches. This animal’s feeding is mostly regular, made of some seeds and insects, but later on it was noticed that a part of food for these birds is blood. Scientists think that this change might be caused by climate, which is very dry on Galapagos, so they use blood to compensate loss of body fluids this climate can cause. On the other hand, this may not be an explanation. Some other scientists consider that this birds are starting to transform to parasite-birds
Bloodsuckers Are Among Us

7. Fish

A vampire fish from Trichomycteridae family is one of the freshwater parasite. This fish lives in Amazon and Orinoko rivers. They are known for entering the bigger fish’s branchiae and suck blood from the victim’s main artery. A ‘funny’ thing about all this is that the fish doesn’t need to really suck, the blood pressure of the victim is working for it, so the blood comes straight into fish’s mouth. But, beside the free meal, the fish also gets the free ride, so the vampire fish can feed miles away from place they’ve been found at the first place.
Bloodsuckers Are Among Us 
Well, the worst thing of all is that not only fish, birds and insects are bloodsuckers. It is known that in some cultures of ancient times there was a custom of sacrificing and drinking human blood as a rite. Unfortunately, this custom still lives up to today! This custom was characteristic for pre-colombian Peru, and people of Masai from Kenya and Tansania still do such kind of rites.
READ MORE » Inilah Hewan-hewan Penghisap Darah

Today I Feel Like Not Doing Anything (inilah foto-foto orang paling malas)

READ MORE » Today I Feel Like Not Doing Anything (inilah foto-foto orang paling malas)